Black Homeownership on Martha's Vineyard: A History
A Culinary History of Martha's Vineyard Listen to our interview on WCAI's The Point!
In February I plan to post a piece on one of my Vineyard history books every other day. Drop into my Substack account: Kutter's Commentary to read what I have to say. Yes, I'm sharing the site with my dog, Kutter, but it should work out ok. And feel free to reach out to me, there or here, or on gmail.
Check out Substack for Kutter's Commentary. I write an overview of the origin of each book. And I offer a brief summary of each of my books. It's worth checking out! February 4, 2025 - Mystery on the Vineyard February 6 - African Americans of Martha's Vineyard February 8 - The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha's Vineyard February 10 - Disaster Off Martha's Vineyard
Great Storms of Martha's Vineyard Coming in 2025 I gave my first book talk at Island Elderly Housing to a rapt audience . When was the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635? Learn about The Portland Gale of 1898 Who hasn't heard of the '38 Hurricane? Hurricane Bob and the No Name (aka Perfect) Storm struck in 1991
Learn about the first women to vote on the Vineyard. Read about the Spanish Flu on Island. Discover how local fisherman generated two incomes with a single expedition. So much more in this unique book.
If you're looking for Martha's Vineyard in the Roaring Twenties, sign up at [email protected]
Tom Dresser, enjoying his mid-life chassis, a 1948 Jeepster.
Tom Dresser, hawking his wares, at the Tisbury Street Fair, July 8, 2013. Photo by Shelley Moore Christiansen.
Books are available at: Bunch of Grapes - Vineyard Haven Edgartown Books - Edgartown Martha's Vineyard Museum - Vineyard Haven Phillip's Hardware - Oak Bluffs
(Kindle editions available on Find us on Facebook : Thomas Dresser and Tom Dresser